woensdag 17 februari 2021

The arbor consists of two immense snakes that form a round bench with their bodies and from there spiral upwards around each other.

It is 3.50 m high, 3 m wide and weighs about 4.5 tons.

Made of ferrous cement and covered with a mosaic of pebbles.

It is located in Egmond Binnen on the st Adelbertusweg no 38.

This is the botanical garden of the De Wielenmaker foundation located on the Monniken-pad.

The statue is clearly visible from the road and by appointment (tel 06 - 553 707 87) and you can enter it during open days.

The monks path of which this statue is a part is a walking route that shows the physical influence that the monks had on the landscape around Egmond. The AEP reminds you of the psychological influence that the arrival of the monks had, writing and monotheism.

The first inhabitants, the Frisians, settled in this region from 1500 BC. Their territory once stretched from Scandinavia to the south of France.

Now we still know West-Friesland in North Holland, East-Friesland in Germany and the province of Friesland.

Until the monks arrive, the Frisians live in a unity consciousness.

Which means that one experiences and perceives the inner and outer world simultaneously.

People experience themselves as one with everything and therefore want to live in harmony with our mother earth.

The Frisians had a cyclical way of thinking. As a result, they were assured of survival after death. They were aware that we exist physically genetically.

By means of the DNA that has been shared by all living things on this planet for a few billion years.

In their polytheistic religion they knew many gods and goddesses, with Frya as their mother goddess.

Fryslan, was the land of Frya, the land of the free people without a compulsory hierarchy.

(see NB 1 below)

The monks brought a terminating rectilinear mindset to the area with their faith.

They lived in a dualistic consciousness and experienced themselves as separate from nature, they made a separation between the creator and the creation.

Their eternity was an unprovable paradise.

Egmond Abbey had a scriptorium from 1060 to 1572. She played an important role in the introduction of writing in Holland. Christianity and writing acquired a permanent place in Holland between 1100 and 1200. In the scriptorium, the monks translated and rewritten Bibles that omitted the feminine part of God. (see NB 2 below)

A feudal society was introduced in which the nobility and the church were in charge.

In their monotheistic religion, the monks presented one male God who could see and hear us anywhere, anytime. A religious dictatorship. The breeding ground for our current controlling and dualistic thinking society.

The time has come for us to want to unite these two ways of thinking in ourselves and in our societies.

We long for more self-determination and a more natural balance between the masculine and the feminine, logic and intuition, the poor and the rich, the animals and the people.

A desire to consciously experience that we are one with everything around us and in us.

But once we marry the two serpents of duality, allow them to bond, the masculine and feminine mindsets can begin to unite. Because of this one rises to a higher consciousness and a more loving relationship with each other.

The AEP, made in Friesland and charged with Frisian energy, will be placed in Egmond at a place where the energy of the anomaly Adelbertus is strongly present.

The monk Adelbert was an anomaly in his time and environment of the medieval Christian faith.

Even then, he was able to unite the two ways of thinking in himself, witness the many legends that have arisen around him. Due to its shape, the golden section spiral, the arbor will pull down cosmic rays like that of an inverted tornado. Cosmic rays are a kind of particle accelerator. It will increase the intensity of the energy mixed in the image.

By allowing and spreading the energy generated in the arbor, you spread this renewing harmonizing energy in our collective consciousness.

So that we may learn together to make decisions that are good for us and for our fellow creatures.

Creation myths all over the world speak of a primeval snake who creates everything from herself and the primordial waters. (NB 3)

She is the mother goddess. The snake represents the mystery of life, the DNA.

The DNA snake is the information molecule of all life. Already 3.85 billion years old, it has built up all appearances of all life over all those billions of years from combinations of the 4 letters A C T and G!

Throughout the centuries the snake has been a symbol for facets of this such as; the idea, life, life force, fertility, wisdom, healing, spiritual insight, cyclical movement, the feminine, and unity consciousness ijn.

Its essence is that it exists by being single and double. It splits and comes together again.

The snakes also grow upwards in a spiral in the AEP. They follow the logarithm of the fibonacci spiral according to which life grows.

With their bodies they depict the cyclical nature of material life and give shape to the interstices that represent psychic life.

The outer and the inner.

The worldview and consciousness.

  This is what our solar system looks like.

And that's how our DNA strands are wound around each other.

Our oneness with everything is unmistakable.

Jack Breed

NB 1

In the past there were many more societies with a unity consciousness on our beautiful planet.

In which people felt at one with everything that had lived, lived and will live.

Societies without compelling hierarchies and with equality and respect for all living things.

I have been fortunate to have been able to live in several such societies.

Between them I could further discover my unity consciousness, which I had already felt with me as a child, by being allowed and able to be completely between them.

The unity consciousness is in every human being, with some of us it is close to the surface, others have hidden it deep. For generations we have been conditioned and educated to feel different. Through a monotheistic belief and a dualistic mindset we have created a selfish society.

Many societies of unity consciousness have been lost, overrun by more aggressive societies. Many of those that still exist today are under threat.

Because of our dualistic thinking and our 'market-oriented' and selfish actions that flow from it. And by the missionaries who are still on the road to convert people from those societies to a monotheistic faith with all its consequences.

From the few societies of unity consciousness that still exist, we can learn that the existence of societies without a 'state' is also one of our possibilities.

To this end, we must dare to look critically at the ideas that have been presented to us.

For example, here in the West it is said that a society is primitive and archaic if they do not have "writing" and if they only care about their livelihood. We also prefer to pretend that this is a lack or an inability of so-called 'underdeveloped' people.

But it is a different way of thinking. It is a refusal to produce useless abundance. It is the will to produce or capture as much as is necessary to meet the needs. And nothing more!

The Western economy is focused on the production of surpluses because that produces "trade". As a result, Western thinking is focused on "market forces", on earning, on accumulation of property and on individual wealth. Western society needs the compulsion to realize its economy. Political power is therefore expressed in Western thinking in terms of hierarchical and authoritarian relationships of command and obedience. In the worldly reality, however, there is often some kind of political power in a social society. This can consist of blood ties, tribal relationships or social classes. But the point is that political power can organize itself in two fundamentally different ways: in coercive and in non-coercive power. The friezes clearly had no coercive power.

NB 2

The influence of writing.

Egmond Abbey had a scriptorium from 1060 to 1572.

The count's monastery foundation Egmond was the first institution in Holland to make intensive use of writing. She played an important role in the introduction of writing in Holland. Christianity and writing gained a permanent place in Holland between 1100 and 1200.

Due to nomadic lifestyles and population movements as a result of climate change, more and more goddesses and gods are coming. The gods have children.

For a long time, the mother goddess remains the all-encompassing one, the supreme goddess.

The gods of other tribes are incorporated at the same time as the people.

The gods and goddesses are all neatly married at first, but then the script is introduced and cities are created.

The female goddesses fade into the background.

The priestesses are replaced by priests who therefore wear dresses.

Writing is mainly propaganda for those in power; priests and kings. Who identify themselves with a deity to gain more prestige.

The Egyptians create a supreme god and a pharaoh / king god.

The Greeks develop a woman-unfriendly society, the basis of this is their saying mater certe, pater semper incertus. Who the mother is is certain, who is the father is uncertain.

The mother goddess is still there, albeit in the background.

Then follows the Greek philosopher Aristotle, with him there is a separation between creator and creation. Aristotle is translated in Europe in the 12th century and his method and logic come to determine scientific thinking.

His follower Thomas Aquinas separates mind from matter, mind from nature, and mind and soul from body. The soul is brought back to a rational principle that has no contact with god anymore.

Only through the intellect can you learn anything about god.

The philosophers see the feminine as negative.

Jewish and Christian thinkers build on this Greek foundation.

The Jews introduce the one god idea with Yahweh.  The war-god of their pantheon made a cruel dictator.

The sacred text is also being invented, people are no longer allowed to worship images.

The snake has always been a positive symbol, but in Christianity, King Hezekiah (725-697 BC) of the Southern Kingdom made it a negative symbol by law.

He had sacred stones crushed, sacred trees cut down, and the bronze serpent that Moses had made he smashed to pieces.

Yahweh was originally a war god from the Canaan pantheon.

All other gods and goddesses are forbidden and described as part of his personality. This is how Christianity continues to indoctrinate  perfectly happy in total harmony with nature living indigenous people to this day and age. They have be stopped because they destroy knowledge we need for our planetary survival. 

This missionaries tell these people that their scared rituals  were  a preparation for the religion they come to bring.

The Mother Goddess disappears from view.

She is killed in the dark backroom.

The worldly woman who represents her is already painted as pernicious and dissolute, a list of prohibitions is written out for her.

The theoreticians of Islam build on this, who philosophically elaborate the texts of the Quran.

Nature peoples and older peoples are portrayed as less developed in this view.

NB 3

The centuries-old mythologies and the latest Western scientific research are beginning to collide. In 2011, the French Nobel Prize winner Luc Montaignier succeeded in creating life where there was previously no life. He did an experiment in which a tube was filled with water containing DNA and another tube containing sterilized water. Under the influence of the DNA present in one tube, completely new DNA was created - out of nowhere - in the other tube! He also felt that was only possible if the Schumann resonance was present. The schumanns resonance is the vibration frequency around the earth. See here the primeval snake in the primeval waters.

NB 4

Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci sequence starts with the values ​​0 and 1 and the other numbers then follow automatically:

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144 .....

The Fibonnanci series occurs in all kinds of places in nature. For example, if you look closely at the distribution of the sunflower seeds in a sunflower, you can see spirals, some of which rotate clockwise and some counterclockwise. The size of the sunflower determines the number of spirals. Usually you count 34 spirals that point in one direction and (you guessed it) 55 that point the other way. The arrangement of leaves around the stem of a plant also often follows the famous series. The leaves are not all on the same side of a stem, but are arranged in a spiral around the stem. The number of leaves per turn follows the Fibonacci sequence, for example, per revolution around the stem there are two leaves (½) or eight leaves per three turns.

A special feature of this series is that as numbers increase, the

consecutive numbers are more and more related to each other according to the "Golden Ratio".

The Golden Ratio is a division of a line segment or surface or circle into two unequal parts, such that the smallest part relates to the largest part as the largest part to the whole.

A ratio approximately equal to 0.382: 0.618 = 0.618: 1 = 1: 1.618 = 1.618: 2.618.

While making plans and constructing the arbor and looking for the perfect spot a small beech stated growing.  As pointing out the perfect spot . The beech is the queen of the forest; a feminine appearance, fine and graceful.

She symbolizes feminine wisdom and attention, warmth and comfort, steadfastness and vigilance.

In Celtic culture, the beech is a symbol of creativity. Good taste.

De Beech builds a bridge to the past and evokes memories. 

De Beech evokes feelings of security, a kind of maternal feeling, a sense of security and solidity. She protects you from the evil outside world.                                                                                                        It is not that difficult to get in touch with a Beech, she will always listen to you.                                          The Beech stands for virtue and protection, for good family ties, tradition and solidarity. She is patient and gives you insight into your creative talents and lets them come out. 

The Beech needs to protect everything that is dear to her and if necessary help with survival.                 Her creativity and a good talent for improvisation are needed. This creates a flexible mind that always makes the right decision or knows how to say the right words at the right time.                                        The Beech does not like chitchat, goes straight for her goal and will only allow herself to be stopped by few to achieve her goal.                                                                                                                                     As a partner you can refuel very well at De Beuk if you have to make a difficult decision. The Beech is a very selfless tree. You can get a lot from her and almost never have to give anything in return.

It was full moon on the day the grouting was completed.  The moon faced the sun in the sky, I was happy and so satisfied, delicious....

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AEP Cenador de energía de anomalía El cenador está formado por dos inmensas serpientes que forman un banco redondo con sus cuerpos y desde a...